Episode 25: How to Spot a Toxic Work Environment


We’ve all worked in environments where maybe there was some gossip or conflict between employees. Maybe occasionally, there was someone who didn’t take full responsibility. But have you ever worked in an environment where gossip, blame-shifting, conflict-avoidance, and deflection of responsibility happened all at the same time? If so, you may have been in a toxic work environment.

Jenn Whitmer

Jenn Whitmer

In Episode 25 of The All Gifts Podcast, Jenn Whitmer, speaker, coach, writer, and self-professed “Joy-bringer,” joins me to discuss toxic work environments: how to spot them and how to deal with them without losing your joy in the process.

Jenn has a master’s degree in communication and culture. She helps leaders gain communication, conflict resolution, and leadership skills so they can effectively serve their teams and do good work in the world. And, according to her, that usually means laughing.

Listen as we share our “montage” moments of bad bosses and work environments all while trying to remember that we’re recording a podcast and not just chopping it up in my living room! I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.

My favorite part of the conversation was when I asked Jenn what her advice was for someone who finds themselves in a toxic work culture. She said the best thing you can do is have the “bravery to leave because you can’t heal in the place that hurt you.”

I got chills when she said that. I thought of the times I’ve downplayed an unhealthy leader or tried to take 100% responsibility for an unhealthy culture all because I didn’t feel brave enough to leave.

Like Jenn, I think we all deserve to work where we feel “most alive” and where we make others feel the same. My wish for those listening is to be inspired to be brave. Give it a listen and let me know how you’ve found the gifts in toxic work settings in the comments below.